our story

We are Caroline and Caitlin, two sisters excited to create a space for you to breathe and to find balance and strength, while recognizing the true work of art you already are.

From our family’s legacy we are starting something new in our freshly renovated space in downtown Sebring, Florida, with the hope to provide an atmosphere that welcomes and invites you to move towards a healthier you.

Offering mat fitness classes including yoga, pilates, strength, and stretch in a vibey fitness space, we invite you to join us on the journey!

At CC Studio we want everyone to know that you truly are a work of art before you even walk in our doors. We are not here to turn you into something beautiful, you already are something beautiful. What we are here for is to remind you that movement can bring about this realization, that who you are now is enough, and through that realization, peace can be found on your mat.
— C+C

Meet C + C

It all began with an idea during a yoga flow and turned into CC Studio. Caitlin called Caroline right after her yoga class in Miami, still sitting in her car, and said, “What if we open our own fitness studio in mom and dad’s commercial space?” and Caroline responded, “I’ve been thinking the same exact thing!”

Caroline Maxcy Fox

Co-Founder + Creative Director

I can’t quite say where my fitness journey truly began. From the three legged races at elementary school field days, to working my first real job out of college as an in house graphic designer for a group fitness company (called Mossa today), to running the Disney Princess half marathon with a crew donned in tutus made of Disney storybook pages. But there is one thing I know for certain, all along the way my fitness and wellness (and my life, really) journey has always been centered around community. 

It’s just more fun together. 

I’m more apt to show up with accountability, I’m more challenged to grow with aligned goals and I’m more inclined to develop a lasting lifestyle of wellness with friends who value the same. 

So here we are. 

I’m a work from home artist/photographer, a wife and a toddler mom and while I’ve loved the season of laying out mine and my daughter’s matching yoga mats in the living room to do yoga and Pilates, I’m so ready to join the crew in our beautiful studio for the fun… together!

Caitlin Maxcy

Co-Founder + General Manager

My fitness journey started with a somber beginning. My father had unexpectedly passed away from heart disease and my grief took me down an unhealthy road. One day, motivated by a recent photo taken of me, I decided that I wanted to start working out to get healthy and lose weight. I hired personal trainers, signed up for gym memberships, learned how to meal prep. This was the beginning of an up and down road where my focus was on how many pounds I could lose and how I looked in the mirror. It came from a good place, I wanted to make sure my heart would last for a very long time, but it also drove me to care far too much about the physical appearance aspect of fitness.

It wasn’t until I finally started to work on my mental health that the true meaning of fitness took shape for me. I realized that after my spinning class, my mind was content and quieted. After a cardio boxing session, I felt like I could take on the world and solve any problem. Yoga was the final puzzle piece, the flow of the movements paired with an engaged rhythm of inhale… exhale… brought about a mental peace I had never experienced before. I would call this time on the mat “my happy place”. It was then I realized that fitness was affecting my mind in extraordinary ways. I started to let go of the need to look a certain way in the mirror and just enjoyed the movements and the feelings I experienced after each work out. I began to say to myself, “your physical appearance is just one, rather insignificant, attribute of who you are as a person”. This is now my mantra and my mat is my foundation.

I started this journey in Miami where I was able to be apart of so many wonderful fitness spaces and the road took me back home to Central Florida, where I wanted to share this experience with my friends and family in Sebring. Thus, CC Studio was born, a vibey boutique fitness space with an old Florida feel. A merging of two beautiful worlds, each dear to my heart.

“You are a work of art.”

— C+C